The WhatsApp privacy policy update has left many users with a feeling of distrust with many users planning to jump ship to viable alternatives such as Telegram and Signal. According to a survey conducted across eight cities of India and published by CyberMedia Research (CMR), over 79% of WhatsApp users are considering to drop the instant messaging service and switch to alternatives. While WhatsApp has time and again reiterated that it does not keep a track of users chats or calls, the company has done little to inspire faith in its users. Save for an India-wide newspaper campaign and using its Status update, WhatsApp has tried to curb the criticism by outlining its security features. Here are some of the security features on WhatsApp that you should definitely use to safeguard your privacy. WhatsApp End-to-End encryption WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption by default and each chat is labelled as “end-to-end encrypted”. What this means is that all messages, calls and status updat...
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